The Power + Control Wheel was created by the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project to demonstrate the power and control dynamics at play in abusive relationships. Each spoke of the wheel represents a different reason why a survivor might feel trapped in a relationship with their abuser.
This is my adapted version of the Power + Control Wheel to apply to abusive religious groups, spiritual groups, and cults. Additional explanations of each spoke are below.
Exclusion / Abandonment
Loss of community, cutting off contact, eternal isolation, damnation, etc.
Punishment (Discipline)
Public humiliation, demotion, physical harm, etc.
Outside Dangers
Outsider agendas, persecution, worldliness, etc.
Spiritual Dangers
Supernatural threats, doomsday prophecies, demons/evil spirits, etc.
Leader Authority
“Chosen” status, celebrity treatment, exemption from rules
Ultimate Truth Ideology
Sacred teachings, texts, and practices that can’t be questioned
Special Destiny
Divine/cosmic purpose for the group, power by association
Group Elitism
Honor of being included, superiority over outsiders
Pathologized Imperfection
Normal human behaviors and mistakes = deviant
Group language (ex. sinner, selfishness, pride, etc.)
Unrealistic Expectations
Spiritual standards, social expectations, rules for behavior
Public Humiliation
Confession, discipline, accountability
Celebration of Self-Abuse
Reinforces self-punishment and neglect (depicted as “holy”)
The villainization of self-care and confidence
Physical + Emotional Separation
Restricted access to outside supports and resources
Ex. community, family, healthcare, school, government systems, etc.
Insider/Outsider Language
Propaganda creating fear and hatred of outsiders, tribal mentality
Ex. claims of persecution, “they don’t understand us”
Censorship of Information
Restricted access to media and outside education
Rewriting history, spinning current events
Constant Contact
Frequent group meetings, check-ins, and little/no free time
Tightly monitored group communication
Denial of Privacy
No alone time, secrets, or private experiences
Forced confession and peer-policing (accountability)
Denial of Self-Trust
Fear of your own instincts, needs, and desires
Needing permission and approval for decision-making
No beliefs or opinions that don’t match group ideology
Minimizing + Invalidating Harm
Downplaying, gaslighting, claiming it was a misunderstanding
“It wasn’t that bad.”, “That never happened.”
Victim Blaming
Denying it was abuse by calling it discipline or correction
“This wouldn’t have happened if you’d….”, “It’s for your own good.”
Invoking the Greater Good
Excusing or covering up abuse to protect the group’s agenda
Forcing victims to forgive and reconcile to restore unity
Gender-Specific Expectations
Women: Submissive, modest, value comes from marriage + motherhood
Men: Masculine, strong, value comes from being a leader + provider
Explicit rules about marriage, leadership, and family structure
Limited Sexual Expression (Purity Culture)
Rules about sex, masturbation, monogamy, heterosexuality, etc.
Erasure + Villainization of Nonconformity
Refusal to legitimize LGBTQIA+ identities
Miseducation and fear-mongering (ex. feminism, the “gay agenda”, etc.)
Expected Investment
Donation of money, time, and resources to the group
Obligating to share possessions with the group
Required volunteer labor without compensation
Financial Dependence
Emphasis on trusting fully in the group’s/God’s provision
Control over savings, budgeting, investments, job types, etc.
Restrictions on women’s education and employment
Promised Prosperity
Promised rewards for loyalty to the group
Ex. MLMs, ”prosperity gospel”, promotions